Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Random things you see in China

A couple of days ago, after we had finished eating dinner at our favorite neighborhood Korean restaurant (they love us there), we walked outside and saw a little crowd forming. Crowds in China aren't surprising at all; sometimes there's a crowd around a bunch of singing and dancing kids, all part of a promotional talent show for flavored yogurt drinks; or a couple of drunk men are getting a little too rowdy. Chinese folks aren't afraid to exhibit their curiosity. Let's face it--they're really good at staring at things (usually us). And of course a crowd just attracts more people. Anyway, enough about crowds in general.

This particular crowd was huddled around an old man with (what looked like) a really long, oversized paint brush. Imagine a mop handle attached to a giant brush. He was dipping the brush into a bucket of water (his "ink"), creating a series of characters--in traditional style Chinese calligraphy--on the square tiles outside our restaurant and the really busy supermarket next door. Judging from the number of tiles that had characters on them (as well as his pace), he must have been doing it for at least 40 minutes. It was so cool. Makes me wish I would bring my camera with me everywhere I go. Also makes me wish I actually knew more Chinese characters.

Jamie's here in 5 days. We're gonna paint the town red, white and blue. I think I'm funny.

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