Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"I think we're getting scammed by a kindygartener..."

Chinese kids love "Home Alone."

We were trying to decide which holiday movies would be good to show to a bunch of different age groups, and we have limited resources, namely an illegal (probably) Chinese website where we find most of our entertainment these days. As of right now, there is no "Grinch" or "Rudolph" or any of the other age-appropriate Christmas classics, but there is "Home Alone", and all of my classes have watched it, save for the one class that has a broken projector.

My second graders are the most in love with the movie, and I'm thinking it's because they're all about the same age as Kevin, their new hero. I don't think I've ever seen such a reaction from the kids before--clapping and shrieking and probably even some peed pants (I'm not joking)--they're all emotionally invested in Kevin and his hijinks. I remember seeing the movie in the theater when I was younger, but I think I would remember if the audience had reacted the way my second graders have been; and they don't even speak English or know enough Chinese characters to read the subtitles.

Plus, my theory is that any time there's a tarantula in a movie or a picture, kids go nuts. Feel free to test this.

1 comment:

Jamie McGeorge said...

dude, where's the monster blog i was promised????? sorry, i'm bored at work, so i thought i'd passive aggressively harass you, via your blog.